Agent – Submission AT Drawdown Date and Responsibilities AFTER Drawdown

Property Details

Firm Details

Responsibilities AT Drawdown Date


Have all personal items been removed, including from any loft, cellar, outbuilding, garage or garden area

Are all rooms free of chattels and clear of any rubbish or waste

Is there any hazardous waste left in or on the Property

Have you collected the keys to the Property

Please confirm you are holding the keys and will hand them over to our Contractor

Agent Name


Your Mobile Number incase we want to contact you at the property

If you have any questions please Contact Us


Responsibilities AFTER Drawdown

IMPORTANT POINT: See  Management AFTER Drawdown




Next Viewing By –


Viewings: When conducting a viewing between the dates of 1 November and 1 April inclusive please check the central heating (if not turned off and drained) to ensure that it is in operation so as to maintain a temperature within the Property of no less than 58 degrees Fahrenheit or 15 degrees Centigrade and at viewings or at least every 14 days from the draw down date please visit the Property to carry out an internal and external inspection and particularly to check if:

Some doors are NOT properly locked

Some windows (if fitted with locks) are NOT locked

There is evidence that the Property IS illegally occupied

There ARE signs of malicious damage or attempted break-in


ONLY Submit to us if you have answered YES to any of the above
Contacted all buyers who made offers prior to Draw down


Target (latest) Date for Exchange 31 working days from Drawdown Date (See: multiple offers)
Confirm sellers lowest Asking Price before Draw down



IMPORTANT POINT: Please see Contractors Specification  

On the day of completion of the buyer’s purchase the estate agent must attend the Property to hand over the keys. If you have any questions please Contact Us