Contractor – Job Notification email

Re: The address for this property (same as on Rightmove)

Dear Helen


Property Details
The address for this property (same as on Rightmove) [Database]
Postcode [Database]
House Name or Number [Database]
Street Name [Database]
Town [Database]
Confirmed Drawdown Date (house empty and vacant) [Database]
IMPORTANT POINT: 1st Visit (Cleaning, Clearance, and Initial Garden Maintenance) within 5 days from Confirmed Drawdown Date [Database]

requires Refreshment in accordance with Contractor – Specification

Estate Agent Details
The address for this property (same as on Rightmove) [Database]
Estate Agents [Database]
Office for the property  [Database]
Office Telephone [Database]
Office Email [Database]
Agent [Database]


IMPORTANT POINT: Your firms URN (identifies your firm for this property) [Database]

Please use the URN to login to Contractor – Management
