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PI insurance – Information for Underwriters

PI insurance – Information for Underwriters

Customer – RICS Draw Documents

Customer – RICS

Customer – Revised RICS Offer Documents


1. Home Owners Plan™ T&Cs – only applicable to CHAIN FREE®*

2. Finance Offer  Albani offer of CHAIN FREE® Fall Back Price® or CHAIN MENDER® Provisional Price™ (Finance)*

3. Instructions to seller’s solicitors – to secure our 1% Fee (only applicable to CHAIN FREE®) if seller does not take Finance and house is sold by their estate agents

4. Pro forma Drawdown Notice – seller’s solicitor’s confirmation seller wants to take Finance

* IMPORTANT POINT: do not commit seller to take Finance or to sell house


Customer – Revised RICS Offer Documents

Customer – Revised RICS Drawdown Documents

Customer RICS Drawdown Documents


1. Sale Contract – our Legal Department will add buyers name so if seller decides to take CHAIN FREE® Fall Back Price® or CHAIN MENDER® Provisional Price™ (Finance) their house can be sold

2. Transfer   the document used to pass registered land to the person buying it

3. Confirmation (if seller can provide it) that house complies with the Electrical Safety Standards in the Private Rented Sector (England) Regulations 2020.

4. Drawdown Notice – must specify the Drawdown Date and include the information (Required Drawdown Information) listed below*:

4.1 Waiver (anyone living in house over 18 must declare they will vacate the property)

4.2 Redemption statement (the cost of paying off any existing mortgages)

4.3 Undertaking (to discharge any existing mortgages)

4.4 HM land Registry Priority Search

4.5 Clear Bankruptcy Searches

4.6 Energy Performance Certificate

4.7 Photocopy of drivers license or passport for all parties to Finance Offer and photocopy of a recent utility bill for the house (to comply with Anti Money Laundering checks) IMPORTANT POINT: electronic AML checks

4.8 HM Land Registry Title Number for the house (if house is not freehold and does not have a Land Registry Title Number seller will not be able to take Finance)

4.9 Letters addressed to gas, electricity and water suppliers informing them of the meter readings and that the seller will be leaving the house on Drawdown Date

4.10 A letter addressed to the Local Authority collecting the sellers Council Tax informing them that the seller will be leaving the house on the Drawdown Date

*IMPORTANT POINT: Commits seller to take Finance and to sell house